Arise bridging the gap
What is financial inclusion and why do we need it?
How does a simple transaction account to send money or pay a bill lead to poverty reduction or financial inclusion and how do we know that a transaction account will improve someone’s well-being?
As a woman who owns a business, M-Birr will help me generate more income and that will help me to expand my business as well as help my family.
Mimmi Gabi
Entrepreneur & M-Birr agent
Nearly 2 billion people today need financial inclusion to take part in their local economies, build assets and access health, property and life insurance, or just have a safe place to put their savings.

Removing barriers which exclude people from using financial services to improve their lives is easier said than done but in a country where only one in five has a bank account and half of all adults own a mobile phone, M-BIRR’s vision of financial inclusion can truly transform society.