The face of tomorrow
The face of tomorrow
Young Kenya, the face of tomorrow’, is a six part series meeting tomorrow’s young leaders. We travelled through Kenya to meet young Kenyans and find out what they care most about, what their hopes and dreams are for the future.
Lawrence Baraka is a young creative who taught himself to sew with youtube videos, Racheal believes in the power of communication and wants to become a voice from the rural communities, Danson is working at becoming a Kenyan computer wizard, Sarah travelled far North to be inspired by sustainability, Somalian student Abdikader is determined to be a doctor, and 16 year old Michelle has a clear vision for her future.
In this episode, we explore their thoughts on Travel and leisure.

I enjoy cooking and eating rice, my favourite.
Racheal Kanyaa Martha, 20
Kitui, Kenya
Bringing Kenya to Norway through cuisines has been something that I also try to do. Ugali and eggs and sukuma wiki that’s the best dish ever, they just go well together.
Sarah Wangui Muiruri, 24
Kenyan exchange Student in
Ås, Norway
I love this country because of its diverse culture. The food always just reminds me of my grandparents, my ancestors, and when I’m eating the food I can just feel where I’m coming from the clothes, the beads, everything about it, the animals, it’s so beautiful.
Michelle Mukabana, 16
Student, Crawford school
Tatu City, Kenya
We moved with my whole family from Somalia to Kakuma in 2007, I have three brothers and one sister at home. Alili and Dawood are footballers like me also, the three of us play soccer, football. Just when we meet, we practice together, we just build a team.
Abdikader Abukadar, 24
Somalian refugee
Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya
I like playing football from my childhood up to now, football is very enjoyable, it’s all about fun. it’s growing to be a big sport in Kenya.
Danson Nkoitoi, 20
computer student
Maasai Mara, Kenya
We love to window-shop, we’ll just go to the malls and just try on everything and not buy a single thing but we’ll try on everything and just live life.
Michelle Mukabana, 16
Student, Crawford school
Tatu City, Kenya
I really want to go to many countries. Canada is a country that I’ve always wanted to visit, I just have that feeling that I really want to go there, I really want to experience life there.
Lawrence Baraka, 24
bag designer from ‘Machero’
Mombasa, Kenya
I’ve come to realise if you really want to enjoy just being in Norway just make some effort it’s all that they need, you don’t really need to speak fluently because you’re not native.
Sarah Wangui Muiruri, 24
Kenyan exchange Student in
Ås, Norway